Stelios Stylianidis Psychiatrist – Psychoanalyst – Group Analyst Professor of Social Psychiatry, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences Scientific Consultant of the Scientific Association for Regional Development and Mental Health (E.P.A.PS.Y.)
Stelios Stylianidis is Professor of Social Psychiatry at the Department of Psychology at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens. He is the founder and Scientific Director (1989-2015) of the Scientific Association for Regional Development and Mental Health (E.P.A.PS.Y.), and from 2016, he is Scientific Consultant of E.P.A.PS.Y. (NGO)…
Psychiatric assessment
Psychiatric assessment is the systematic assessment of the symptoms, behavior, causes, course and consequences of a psychiatric disorder …
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy
“We have called psychoanalysis the work by which we bring to the patient’s consciousness the repressed psyche he has inside … The symptoms and pathological manifestations of the patient …
Psychoanalytic Group Psychotherapy
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy at group level. Fixed weekly meetings, with a fixed number of participants per group …